Globalization is more than a trend, it is today. Detecting the best place to invest and obtaining correct legal advice is a must if you want a successful negotiation. Attracting fresh, productive and legal capital must be the aspiration of all countries with clear development goals. The United States (US $ 4,701.3 million), Canada (US $ 4,346.4 million), Brazil (US $ 2,336.2 million) and Spain (US $ 1,314 million) are ahead in the table of capital issuers in the Dominican Republic. These figures correspond to the last nine years.
At QALegal we have a team specialized in legal advice to foreign capital investors in the Dominican Republic, including our managing partner, José A. Quiroz, who has more than 15 years of experience in the area.
From markets and very complex commercial areas, the energy sector, finance and insurance, to agricultural and tourism projects, our team of lawyers has for years provided the best legal support to foreigners who have chosen the Dominican Republic as their investment destination.
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